

Dana Sherr(右)和Emma Stark(左)

Research by Marist seniors Dana Sherr and Emma Stark came in second out of nearly 300 posters presented by students from across the country.

1月27日, 2020年11月, 布鲁克菲尔德20岁的教育学学生达纳·谢尔的研究海报, 康涅狄格和玛帕帕克20岁的艾玛·斯塔克, New York came in second out of nearly 300 presentations at the 2019 conference of the National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC) in New Orleans. 

The students’ winning presentation was entitled “The Impact of a Brief Mindfulness Intervention on Elementary School Discipline Referrals.” In it, Sherr and Stark discussed the results of a mindfulness study they conducted with first- and second-graders at a Poughkeepsie public school. 正念在心理学界是一个很有前途的话题, and the purpose of their project was to examine the effect of mindfulness interventions on disruptive behavior. 谢尔说, “The most rewarding part of the research was seeing the positive results we had expected.  The most eye-opening discovery was that mindfulness does appear to be extremely effective in managing the behavior of elementary school students.” She adds that she wasn’t sure the students would fully understand the concept of mindfulness, but they did because she and Stark were successfully able to explain it at the children’s level.

The results of the research study indicated that brief mindfulness interventions had moderate effects in decreasing disruptive behavior and reducing elementary school students’ behavioral referrals (those resulting in the removal of a student from the classroom). 斯塔克说, “Dana and I have been working on this research project since our sophomore year, 我真的很喜欢. I liked how I was exposed to different types of classrooms among different grades and to see firsthand how the classrooms changed as the study progressed.Sherr补充道, “I am so excited that the NCHC judges were able to see our passion for this project and understand its importance. It was extremely validating because we’ve spent so much time and effort on this work.” Both Stark and Sherr intend to implement mindfulness practices into their future classrooms.

Dana Sherr(左)和Emma Stark(右)
Dana Sherr(左)和Emma Stark(右)

谢尔和斯塔克是bet亚洲365欢迎投注学校的学生 教育心理学五年制硕士课程, so they will return to the College this fall and graduate in May 2021 with an MA. 他们相信他们的研究, 课堂实践体验, 一流的师资队伍让他们做好了成为高效教师的准备. 谢尔说, 谁想教基础特殊教育, “我热衷于教那些可能被低估的学生, 我喜欢找到最好的方法来帮助他们学习的挑战. Marist has prepared me to succeed by providing me with amazing and experienced professors who can give me insight into managing classroom behavior and teaching content.” Stark also feels prepared for a career in education and stresses the importance of fieldwork: “The education program has students observing classrooms as early as freshman year. The vast amount of exposure I’ve received – ranging from general education classrooms to those serving students with severe needs – has definitely prepared me for life after Marist.这个学期, Stark will have the chance to put her mindfulness research into action during her student teaching placement at the Anderson Center for Autism.

学生们的研究工作由玛丽·斯通指导和监督, Assistant Professor of Psychology and Interim Director of the 荣誉项目. Says Stone, “Engaging in independent research is central to Marist’s 荣誉项目. Presenting at the NCHC was an especially meaningful opportunity because it enabled Emma, Dana, and their fellow Honors students to interface with Honors students and faculty from across the country. The meaningful connections they were able to make not only broadened the reach of their past research, 但也激励着他们走得更远,朝着新的方向发展.”

(L-R) Emmanuelle Farrell, Mallory Cannon, Ryan Stevens, Emma Stark, Dana Sherr
(L-R) Emmanuelle Farrell, Mallory Cannon, Ryan Stevens, Emma Stark, Dana Sher

除了Sherr和Stark, three other Marist students presented a wide variety of original research at the NCHC. 心理学专业20岁的艾曼纽·法雷尔来自普兰斯堡, New Jersey and psychology/philosophy double major Mallory Cannon ’20 of Kensington, 新罕布什尔州参与了“社交焦虑之间的关系”, 自尊, 和社交媒体习惯,” which found a positive correlation between social anxiety and the reaction to a post receiving atypical feedback, and a negative correlation between self-esteem levels and the reaction to atypical feedback on a post. Farrell also presented “The Relationship Between Adaptive Functioning and Quality of Life in Individuals on the Autism Spectrum Receiving Residential Care,” while Cannon shared her research on “Attitudes Toward Gluten and Gluten-Free Individuals.米德兰公园21岁的历史系学生莱恩·史蒂文斯, New Jersey presented a poster entitled “The Politics of (Dis)Respectability: American Hardcore Punk Rock’s Liability for the Skinhead Issue.” Finally, 除了获奖的海报, Stark also presented “Bridging the Gap of Educational Pedagogy into Educational Videos,” which detailed ways to create a more holistic experience for online learners.
